
A New Beginning

So I was thinking today of what to do for my first post on this blog. I have realized that because none of you know much about me and I don't want some creepy internet psycho to come stalking me, to copy a friend of mine's note from facebook titled "Twelve Random Things". I'm sure you can guess what this is; twelve random facts about, yours truly, me :).

1) I love fashion. Fashion is my passion (I made a rhyme). Not very random but it is my number one fact.
2) I am addicted to Burt's Bees lip balm. It is my anti-drug. Not  kidding, it is always beside me.
3) Skins is my absolute favourite TV show in the world. I never miss an episode. Even though I don't live in the UK, I'm always absolutely sure to catch it as soon as it get posted. 
4) I have a strong phobia of needles. I hate them with a firing passion. I always end up crying and screaming when I need to get one and the site is not pretty.
5) My dream is to go to Ryerson University, take either fashion communications or journalism and live in the city of Toronto when I graduate high school.
6) Getting my nails done (manicure and pedicure) is my guilty pleasure. I like to get them done as often as possible.
7) Rings are my favourite accessory. They can make the simplest of outfits look bold or just give an outfit a whole new twist to it.
8) I have the most sensitive skin ever. What makes it worse is I sometimes break out a lot, so when I try to use the pimple cream on a soft spot on my skin, it just makes that spot super, super dry. You get the point, I'm sure :P.
9) I have always wanted to travel to Paris, New York (I've been there, but we didn't really get to shop, it was for school), Italy, Rome, Greece, London and Israel.
10) The Jonas Brothers and Luke Pasqualino are my husbands. No hate on them JoBros. Their music is wonderful <3.
11) I have an irrational fear of the doomsday theory. Ps. Whatever you do, do not google it! I did and strongly regret it.
12) My signature scent is Hippy Fizz by Moschino (Cheap and Chic), but sometimes I wear Love by Harajuku Lovers or Kimmora Lee Simmons by Baby Phat.

Skins Cast

Ryerson University's Logo

   Jonas Brothers- Husbands #'s 1,2 and 3

Luke Pasqualino- Husband #4


  1. I love love burt's bees lip balm!I have really sensitive skin as well...everything makes me break out!
    in love with Luke as well...he is one beautiful boy! loved him in skins...this season wasn't my favorite though! the Jonas brothers are a guilty pleasure of mine!

  2. Thanks for the advice about doomsday! I probably would have looked it up right after you mentioned it haha. And yess for lip balm. My obsession is softlips, though. The sugar cookie flavour.

