

Here is a random outfit post of what I wore today. I know the colour scheme of my outfit is mostly red, white and blue for the 4th of July, but that was actually done accidentally! I am not even American :-P!!

Tank: Aritzia
Skirt: Express
Belt: Unknown
Caridgan: Anthropologie
Shoes: The Shoe Company
Necklace: Unknown
Bracelet: Unknown
Watch: Citizens
Ring 1: Tiffany & Co.
Ring 2: The Craft Show
Ring 3: Rage
Ring 4: The Craft Show

I haven't been doing very much lately, just mainly relaxing. I start working on Monday, which should be interesting. At least, I'll be making some money to support my shopping addiction. Today I actually wrote down everything I want/need and boy oh boy the list is super long-- a full page to be exact. I hope I can afford everything and raise enough money to go to FIT Summer Live next year. This whole money situation of mine is actually really stressing me out!! I guess thats just the price you pay when your in a recession. Let's hope the economy recovers soon.

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